Thursday, March 19, 2009


You could not pay me enough to cut children's hair. It's one of those thankless, taxing jobs that ranks up there with being a dentist or a nurse, I think.

Today, my 3-year-old got his yearly haircut at Cookie Cutters, a place that caters specifically to kids. His hairstylist and favourite seat (the fire engine) were occupied when we arrived. Little Dude was happy to wait it out, playing in their indoor slide, while I watched his stylist get wacked in the face by her tiny client. She didn't even blink when this happened and continued to trim the little fiend's hair. Later, she confided that it wasn't the worst thing to happen to her. I can only imagine what was worse than a slap on the face ... a kick, spit, puke ... I didn't ask.

It wasn't long before it was Little Dude's turn in the fire engine. He was happy to watch the video that the previous boy had been watching ... a cartoon about a tractor and other vehicles. He endured the haircut without a hint of a fight and didn't even seem to notice the screaming coming from the boy in the airplane seat behind him. Nope. The only complaint that came out of Little Dude was when it was time to leave. What a trooper : )

Nice fauxhawk, dude!

1 comment:

  1. Such a great photograph!

    And along with never in a million years wanting to cut a child's hair, I think working at one of those kiddie-gym-birthday parties would also be one of the worst jobs EVER.
